
As an observer I shall speak what I see.

Love, as human beings understand it, is an emotion defined in the mind. In that, they feel something going on and attempt to define what that is through the mind, hence they call it love. They will then say, this is now love, and this other thing over here, this is not love, for it does not ‘fit in’ with my definition of what love is. In doing this you see, human beings create divisions and duality in their own reality.

The energy which humans call love, which is a part of everything, is not actually love. The love which human beings experience in physical form is not the same energy which binds everything together. It is a miniscule fragmented perceptual idea of what it actually is. In fact, the moment you try to contain it in a thought, idea or label, you have lost that energy. It becomes simply an emotion humans call love.

My own vision of love, which I personally apply while on Earth, is that what most people call love, I call unconditional love. I call it this because I do not need to place a definition upon it. I need not place it in this pigeon hole or that one. I need not compare it with fear, with hate, with anything else to declare what it is, or affirm it exists. It exists because my spirit exists. My spirit does not need or require anything else for it to continue to exist. I simply feel and act unconditionally without needing to think, is this love? I give of myself without asking what I am getting in return. I am taking what I have inside, and surrendering it to everything else outside of me. The emptiness that is left, is that which I call love. For emptiness needs nothing, demands nothing and is nothing which can be defined in words.

Now, the love which many human beings define as love in their relationships, their deeds and their thoughts, is just something they have placed inside of this emptiness, and said, this is what love is, it’s a ‘thing’. Its this energy here. They do this because they want some ‘thing’ to look at when they speak of love, and speak of themselves as being loving. They want to say, I have ‘this’. Well, this is actually ego speaking. That is why those who call themselves Masters or ascended beings simply because they have attained a ‘thing’ are still playing their own egotistical games.

Let your aspired state be the statement of your intention for unconditional love, and so shall you open the door for the experience. Unconditional love is something which happens when you accept the process of all things, and utilize compassion in the wisdom that all things are trying to find their own sense of value and purpose, even if you disagree with those values, and that purpose. One who is wise knows in physical state unconditional love is not an end result, but an ongoing process of balance and equilibrium. Understanding and acceptance of this truth begets inner peace.

Accept the process that is the moment of now. Accept your responsibility for the direction of this process, but release attachment to all end results. Let go of your need to base your self-worth on end results, instead build it upon your loving intentions and the ongoing process of awareness, the joy that can be found within this process. Often your efforts will bear no fruit to feed your heart of its hopes and expectations, yet it requires greater compassion, wisdom and patience to accept these efforts are enough…

The limitation and dilemma made apparent here is not that God, or Source, is love, but how and what human beings themselves define and perceive love to be. Remember, your idea of what love is, is limited merely to one species on one small planet in the universe. This concept of love is proposed and projected by the interactions with one another as physical species, yet human beings have not as yet even ventured into what love can be beyond the confines of their own solar system. Human beings then make claim to what the Source of all life in the universe is merely from their isolated perspective on their own small planet, immersed in only their own reflections of themselves. The fact of their continued abuse and neglect of many of their brethren animals on the planet reveal little understanding of the advancement achievable through love and the technology of consciousness.

Love then, how humans currently perceive it and experience it, is not what God, the Source, is. It is more accurate to say, it is a very diluted spectrum of the actual vibration which love comes from. That is, the love which you as a human being are receptive to is not the same vibration as the vibration that is the love of the Source of all life. The difference is night and day. Those who have ever had a near death experience into the light will understand in part this statement. The love or the vibration, that source is, actually has the power to create anything from nothing, instantly. It is easier for your mind to understand once you let go of the word love and approach your understanding through a difference in vibration. Certain vibrations have the power to create life, while others, to destroy it.

What I am saying to you is that this love you conceive of in your brain is actually not the energy you believe binds everything together, and the life force which exists within everything. You think I am talking about the three dimensional love, and you are right. Despite what argument you can bring forth about what love is, it is still derived from your human brain, no matter how you try to define it. Your understanding of it comes from within a third dimensional state, as you call it. This understanding of love is tainted by your human brain and its limitations to process multi-dimensional energy dynamics. What you are attempting to do is define an energy vibration which you cannot remember or articulate in human language, and then argue such and such exists in everything. When in truth you see, you do not have a clue what exists within everything, it just makes people feel better thinking they do. It is just easy and convenient to call it love because it is the highest ‘goody goody’ feeling you can conceive of in your current state.
It would be more appropriate to dialogue on such a subject once the life term you are creating comes to completion and transition.

Let us take the highest concept of love humans can articulate. That of unconditional love. Unconditional love is not something you can think about doing and then produce unconditionally. For the moment you think ‘this is unconditional love’ you have already placed conditions upon it. You have attached a belief to it, a condition of what that love should and should not be, therefore it cannot possibly be unconditional love. Unconditional love simply just happens to you, and you are not even aware that is it unconditional love, for you are placing no thought, no attention, no expectation to it. You just feel wonderful like you have never done before, and there are no words necessary.

The moment you hold onto a thought you have already created your own limitation. You have already created an expectation of what you are drawing to you. How do you suppose to experience things of true nature when you have a preconceived idea about how it should appear? Now if you were to simply let go of trying to capture this love in your grasp, what comes before you will never be tainted or clouded by what you want it to be. It will simply happen to you and become part of you, instead of something outside of you.

From the temple of your sacred spirit you once peered from a window. From the simplicity of harmonic thought you once presented a question. From the profound power of inextinguishable passion you once formed a desire. Peering pervasively through the window of opportunity you foresaw the answer to your burning question and the embodiment of you hearts desire in the field of experience. In this field of experience you beheld many beautiful flowers as they grew under the sunlight of love. Yet as did each flower blossom and spread their fragrance of intent, low and behold, slowly, surely and sadly did this fragrance turn sour and each flower wither as it blanketed them from the sunshine of love.

Thus sprang forth the question. The question that required no words to ask, but required every ounce of courage and passion to answer. Hence did a new flower form upon the field of experience. Within it seeded a strikingly familiar fragrance. The fragrance of love.

Knowledge will set you free. Same could be said for love, for love shall set you free. This is because the tree of knowledge is grown from the seed of pure love. Rules are conditions. Pure love knows no condition. This is to say pure love knows nor requires thought, for pure love will lead you out of your mind. Out of mind and into feeling. Out of mind is not out of sight, but out of conflict and into clarity.

Be clear in your intention, and let your intention be only to give. Live only to give what you can feel, for then there is no thought to stop what true pure love desires to do. It desires to bring people, knowledge, life – together.

Yet so it seems to be, there are those that give much to many, but know not how to receive love from themselves. These are the ones who shine like a sun but are quickly extinguished like a candle. And there are those who give very little to anyone, but never fail to receive an abundance of their own blessing. These are the ones who shine like a small lonely candle in the cold darkness of space.

The key then, is to shine like an inextinguishable sun within your own field of experience. And as you glow from within, you radiate to all without, and let your beautiful fragrance be your intention. Let your intention be only love. If a rule at all, be this the rule that helps you re-member all that you truly are. Be this the rule that becomes the only key which unlocks the door to greater dimensions, the key which unlocks the chest to greater knowledge, which you hold as your greatest treasure. Love is the only key, and to work it, is apply it through intention.

Though it is to be reminded, it is as important to learn how to receive as much as it is to learn how to love. For one who is open to receive nothing, has nothing to give.

Though pure unconditional love is the door which opens to such higher frequencies, there may be many vehicles to lead you to such a door. For example, certain types of music, if chosen wisely, will penetrate deeply into your consciousness and connect it to your deepest feelings, and your highest intuition. As the captivating music dances in partnership with the love it invokes, doors will begin to open.

Do nothing love would not aspire to do, think, or say, so say they who never falter or stray.

Your life is not an assignment, let that be perfectly clear. It is an attempt to answer a profound desire at a spirit level, through the aspirations on a soul level, through the experiences on a physical level. To address a question that cannot be spoken in words, nor of which can be answered with words alone.

There is out there a utopia of incalculable souls who cultivate an ongoing question, an intriguing experiment and an aspired dream that the spirit world and the physical world will one day intertwine as sacred partners, and heaven shall be no more a place above and beyond, but instead shall be a place on Earth as it is in Heaven. So shall our bold and fearless presence testify to this dream.

Opening to receive love

There are many ways to show that you are open to receive love. These are merely some of them.

1. With forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and forgiving others opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love, from yourself, as well as from others.

2. With trust. Trusting others, as well as trusting in your own heart opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love.

3. With creativity. Creativity opens yourself up to internal and external energy exchange and inspiration. This opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love, from within yourself, as well as from others you inspire with your creation.

4. With interactivity. Interactivity with other beings, of all creatures great and small, opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love, whereas they who isolate themselves from all others close the door to receive.

5. With communication. Communicating words such as ‘I would like some help’ and ‘I would like a hug’ opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love, for your needs are not always known by others unless you communicate them.

6. With action. Actions such as to perform a personal meditation, or perhaps to construct a charity store opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love. Without action, love is merely a concept of mind.

7. With kindness. Kindness given freely to others, and all things, allows others to receive more love.
They are therefore able to find more love in their own hearts to give to others. Kindness opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love, for kindness is the key.

8. With honesty. Honesty opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love, for truth is the ocean upon which love sails free. To be honest with yourself and with others empowers you to be open to the truth. If you are open to receive truth, then you are open to receive love.

9. With patience. Patience acknowledges the acceptance of ‘the process’ of events. Patience opens an enormous door of opportunity to receive love, for patience is a part of acceptance, and in order to receive you must first learn to ‘accept’.

10. With giving. You will notice that all aforementioned points indicate a state of giving. They all represent the action and process of transferring energy and influence outward from within. They are all radiating Self outward to the universe. By giving outward of your Self in this way, you are allowing the universe to act as a mirror to reflect that which you give, to return back to you to receive. For THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US. One who is not open to give, is therefore not open to receive.

Expanding your capacity for love

From one point of view love is simply a word, a convenient definition for an emotional state experienced by the human condition. Love as it truly exists is experienced much more broadly than human beings believe. Just as it is I have said the human emotions experienced here are extremely unique in the universe, it is to say many extraterrestrial beings experience this energy much more differently, using different sensory apparatus. In the spirit world this is experienced much more differently yet again.

The emotion human beings call and experience as the feeling of love is a sensory function which is being used to connect with a specific vibration of information. What this means is, the biology of your body has been designed to create and translate certain thoughts and energy as emotional surges. When you feel the tugging of heart strings, the deep penetrating warmth in your stomach, and the welling up of tears of joy for a loved one, your body is having a biochemical and bioelectrical experience. The thoughts you have are sent to a region of your brain which activate certain glands, a network of chain responses, and chemical releases allowing you to physically experience something you call love. While this does not sound very romanticised it is a process of great sophistication and beauty rare for any physical species. Though this is a very beautiful process, you will only experience this rate of love as far as your brain and body can facilitate this experience. When I refer to the rate of love, I am referring to the oscillation of consciousness and energy which can be facilitated as love. As your oscillation of consciousness expands and raises in vibration, the experience of what you call love is amplified beyond human chemistry. Once free from the human chemistry your oscillation count is able to be raised and what you experience as love is also then amplified to something beyond its former romanticised description.

The experience of love as it is within the spirit world is completely different. Or at least it can be if you so choose.

Those who pass over continue to facilitate feelings of love the same way they did whilst being human, as in, a very reactive way. This tends to change eventually as the human persona looses its influence the further from Earth your spirit is. The love in your new state goes beyond simple emotion. It becomes an all-knowing, all-illuminating, all-pervasive state, no longer reactional, but unconditional. It becomes a state of mind, a state of heart and a state-ment for Self. It becomes a state that draws all your needs to you, whether it be information, loved ones, or angelic encounters. The more loving you become as a being the greater access of information and light you gift yourself with. In the spirit world, as it is in the physical, information will come to you quicker and quicker, more fluidly as the more loving you become. You will be able to access the halls of learning from any point in the universe or any dimension.

How is this achievable whilst in physical state?

By allowing unconditional love to happen. Not by placing conditions on what unconditional love must or must not feel or look like, but by releasing the need to define it altogether. Let your aspired state be the statement of your intention for unconditional love, and so shall you open the door for the experience.

Unconditional love is something which happens when you accept the process of all things, and utilize compassion in the wisdom that all things are trying to find their own sense of value and purpose, even if you disagree with those values, and that purpose.

One who is wise knows in physical state unconditional love is not an end result, but an ongoing process of balance and equilibrium. Understanding and acceptance of this truth begets inner peace. Any attempt to master complete unconditional love in physical state will lead either to your physical death, or the eventual suffering and death of others. Any claim to contradict this will be one made out of ego and persona.

Some feel it noble to say great spirituality is being able to accept all things as Gods grand plan, such as war and famine, yet God has no revised ‘plan’ as this is an aspect of ego and persona, which he leaves to you to create for your Self.

On one hand, to be fully accepting of all things is to bow to the wills of those who would write the fate of humanity. So it is, it is for you to be fully accepting of your own RESPONSIBILITY for joy and prosperity. So then, if one is to accept all things, this does and must include your own responsibility for peace, for joy and for the future of the human race and planet Earth. This acceptance which is the seed of unconditional love beckons action, not the convenience of passive inaction and neglect.

Accept the process that is the moment of now. Accept your responsibility for the direction of this process, but release attachment to all end results. Let go of your need to base your self-worth on end results, instead build it upon your loving intentions and the ongoing process of awareness, the joy that can be found within this process. Often your efforts will bare no fruit to feed your heart of its hopes and expectations, yet it requires greater compassion, wisdom and patience to accept these efforts are enough, and these efforts alone make you a saint.

Never sacrifice a single second of your life putting yourself down, lowering your self-worth over notions of spiritual ‘successes’. You are already at the top of the grandest hierarchy of divinity and spirituality you can imagine, for your spirit is already one with prime creator. Nothing you can say, do or fail to achieve can change this. It is not what you can achieve in life which makes you a great spirit, it is your ability to recognise nothing you do can take who you truly are away from you, and all that remains is for you to radiate that which you know as true. Be true to your Self. Accept the imperfections of the human condition, the will of others that constantly resist your own good deeds and intentions, and find peace with the wisdom that you cannot lose this game, for you will always know who you truly are, even if others do not. Hold this truth, and the truth shall set you free.

May your heart feed your soul, and your soul feed the world.

About Bob OHearn

My name is Bob O'Hearn, and I live with my Beloved Mate, Mazie, in the foothills of the Northern California Sierra Nevada Mountains. I have a number of blog sites you may enjoy: Photo Gallery: Essays on the Conscious Process: Compiled Poetry and Prosetry: Verses and ramblings on life as it is: Verses and Variations on the Investigation of Mind Nature: Verses on the Play of Consciousness: Poetic Fiction, Fable, Fantabulation: Poems of the Mountain Hermit: Love Poems from The Book of Yes: Autobiographical Fragments, Memories, Stories, and Tall Tales: Ancient and modern spiritual texts, creatively refreshed: Writings from selected Western Mystics, Classic and Modern: Wisdom of a Spirit Guide: Thank You!
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